Monday, September 17, 2007

Art Walk Alive!

This annual arts celebration on University Avenue was entertaining once again. Pictured above are drummers and dancer from Bush Mango on Elton Street. There was jewelry, food (a caramel apple for me!), dancing, books, and music. They unveiled the umbrella bus shelter on University. It is one of three new designs. The other two are by the MAG and by Gleason Works. All are pretty cool.
I have to say my favorite part of this young festival was a group called the Varnish Cooks. Listen and see what you think. Not the kind of music I'm typically drawn to, but they were really wonderful! Their sound and feel and energy were just right. Couldn't help but stay and listen to them. :) I even found myself grooving to several of their songs.

It was another really wonderful weekend. I'm not sure if I've ever enjoyed weekends so much as I'm enjoying them lately. Life is good! :)

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Glad you liked the music, and thanks for the kind compliments! Come and check us out again sometime.

Ryan G.,
Bassist, The Varnish Cooks