photos above are from Fuzhou, China
(seen more clearly if you click on them) ->
~post "drifting" and feeling pretty proud of myself
~my photo of J taking a photo in the garden
my goal was to be in bed before 1 a.m. i'll only be a little later than that. the past two nights i haven't been able to sleep until around 3 a.m. - uugh! i'm dragging myself through these days and still feel like passing out each afternoon. it has got to get better soon.
and my tummy too. whew! we had a "drifting" (direct translation from our Chinese friend there) adventure in Fuzhou the day before we left China. the "drifting" was much more intense than we had anticipated. we should've known it would be wild when they dressed us in hard hats and life vests and warned against losing our sunglasses. it looked like a harmless creek until they cranked open the giant valve at the bottom of the dam and the water rose quickly. i was screaming loudly (mouth wide open) when we dumped over the first time. drank lots o' the river up on that one. the second time, i tried to hold my breath, but this was tough as i got stuck underneath our raft. thank goodness J was there to pull me out. i think he enjoyed the wild ride more than i did. i was very into the actual "drifting" part when that happened further down the river. we played and swam. it was great fun! anyhow, all that to say whatever was in the river is now in my belly and my body doesn't seem one bit too happy about it. (a lot of good drinking all that bottled water did me, eh?) i think things are getting better though. i'm wondering how long i should wait before seeing a dr. about it. i'm hoping it'll clear up on it's own very soon.
anyhow, i got on here to let you know that i put a few snaps from Fuzhou up on my flickr account. they're funny signs from the city. i have many more photos of signs and hundreds more China photos. i'll sort through more soon and post some. check back later.
good night. :)
I love the photos! Some of those signs are quite funny!
Thanks, Robin. Once we had read a few funny signs, many of us on the teachers' tour group set out in search of more. I still have others to post. Will try to get on that soon. :)
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