Monday, June 18, 2007

busy June-bug

All is well here. I'm just very busy w/ progress reports and school plays, field trips and school parties and good byes. I have piles of papers to sort through and send home w/ students and two classrooms to take apart, pack up and organize. Am trying to do prep work for our ESL summer school in August and have a big teacher training day to run next Wednesday. This time of year there seem to be many birthdays and anniversaries and reasons to get together and celebrate w/ family and friends. All of this is great fun and is requiring most all of my energy.

I've had little left to put into summer trip work and our departure date is less than two weeks away! Things have been coming together nicely though, despite my not being able to do too much prep. I'm so so excited to be going to China! I've wanted to go for so long. I'm really looking forward to traveling w/ J! :) This journey seems like it will be the perfect mix of touring, visiting friends and even some time to spend w/ two of my students and their family. I can't wait. In another week or so when I can really focus on this, I'll be unable to sleep thrilled!

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