Saturday, December 23, 2006

almost forgot!!!

how could I forget to post this?!
for anyone who has heard my stress and worry about my job situation for next year, all is well!
i will still be here, i will still be in this field and placement that i love! woo hoo!!!
i just got the news this week! merry Christmas to me!!!
J and i went out to celebrate last night w/ ice cream sundaes and skee ball. (don't ask him who won!?! ;) )
i'll give you the details of the work situation in person, by phone, or email, if you're interested. yeah! :)


twinmama said...

That is AWESOME news!!! Merry Christmas to you indeed!!! We are SOO relieved for you!!! :)

Coriander said...

Thanks for sharing in my joy, Sab! :) Hope you all have a Merry Christmas too! :)